Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
College of Arts & Sciences first-time-in-college students are invited to join us for an afternoon of sharing the love between our college advisors and our students. Let us treat you to pizza and swag, while also going over some important information for the spring semester such as our upcoming advising schedules, important deadlines, and more. Meet your advisor and get your advising questions answered at this fun event!
We will be doing a drawing at the end of the session for some fun prizes, so don't miss out! Must be present to win.
*First-time-in-college refers to students in their first year of college post high school graduation. If you were required to attend first year orientation in the summer of 2024 or January 2025, you are considered a first-time-in-college student.
Event Type
Academic Affairs
TWU Students only
Contact Name
Vicki Jennings